Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat, used a radio show last week to question the way public universities are admitting out-of-state applicants. On WTOP's "Ask the Governor," he answered a question about whether Virginia residents should be worried about in state-applicants being rejected in favor of those from out of state, he said “absolutely, and not only worried, it’s just factual.” He added: "Some [schools] are a third to 40 percent out-of-staters because they pay so much more tuition, and that’s how they balance their budgets, so yes they should be concerned and that’s something we need to look at."
Data from the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia show that while Virginia's competitive universities are admitting substantial numbers of out-of-staters, the admission rate is significantly higher for those from Virginia. At the University of Virginia, 1,214 of those who started last fall were from out of state, compared to 2,537 from Virginia. The admit rate for Virginians was 44 percent while that for out-of-state applicants was 23 percent.